Curator Connect auto updates User Guide

Updated on June 28th, 2024


Curator Connect auto updates allow you to automatically update Curator Connect to the latest version. 

Pre requisites

To use Curator Connect auto updates, these must first be configured on your system as described in this guide.

NOTE: System notifications must be enabled on the user's operating system in order for notifications on updates to be received.

Using auto updates

  1. If an update is made available for Curator Connect, a notification will appear in system notifications. This will resemble the following depending on your operating system and depending on the way auto updates have been configured:
  2. To install the upgrade, the Curator Connect application must be closed completely, including any Curator Connect background processes that continue to run when the Curator Connect window is closed.
  3. After closing the Curator Connect window, Curator Connect can be updated by selecting Quit and upgrade - this is accessed by right-clicking the icon for the background Curator Connect process (this can be found in Windows in the System Tray) and selecting Quit and upgrade from the available options.
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