Curator Folder Pattern for Upload in the Graphics Panels

Updated on July 2nd, 2023

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With Curator Arrival 3.5 and beyond, it’s possible to upload images via the Curator Graphics Panel used in PhotoShop and Illustrator. 
When ingesting, you might want the metadata entered to build the virtual Curator folder tree where the images are ingested into.

Note that there are currently no available options to configure this in CSA or in the Panel itself, it has to be done via mediastore configuration.

Below is an example of how it can be done for Create Production assets.

For demonstration purposes, we shall replicate this same folderpattern in the image for our graphics ingest.
 Next, see the configuration section below on how to configure the workflow.



The new upload Graphics Panel workflow utilizes a media store called UPDATE-ASSET-FILE. This should be present as part of the module added for the 3.5 deployments.

Add if not present the key NewAssetTransferTo as shown above. In there you will need to create a new media store and reference it there, in the example above this media store is called GRAPHICS-INGEST-FOLDER.

A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

It is very important that the two keys: CuratorFolder and FolderPattern are used correctly. CuratorFolder should be used like the “Base Location” is within Curator System Administrator which is the Curator Folders that uses no metadata to be created. FolderPattern is used to form the folders based on the metadata selected when the customer uploads via the Graphics Panel.

Note – If you see folders during testing that say 'NoMetadata' this will be because you have not mapped the metadata correctly in the above media store. Also, the advantage of using this process is that you can also join to metadata values together to form a folder, whereas Cura

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