Creating Motion Graphic Templates (MOGRTs)

Updated on July 2nd, 2023

MOGRTs (Motion Graphic Templates) are created in Premiere Pro or After Effects to enable fast and consistent branding across departments. Teams can utilise the power of video proxies, graphics and motion graphics in the same production and then remote conform them back into your Curator library.

Curator supports Alpha channels in the video proxy workflows, Photoshop, Illustrator and MOGRTs alongside their video workflows. This unique capability is the beginning of Curator being a hub for not only enterprise video workflows but also graphics too, enabling businesses to ensure brand consistency across their global and distributed teams and ensure the end-to-end creative workflows are unified.

The following are some best practice tips to consider when setting up MOGRTs in Curator:


Edit and Publish module

Please note that you will need to have the Edit and Publish module configured as a prerequisite in order to use MOGRTs. For more information on this, please refer to the Adobe Creative Cloud article.

Font issues and setup

Due to an Adobe bug in AME, all fonts used in the creation of MOGRTs including those from Adobe Cloud should be checked to ensure they have been downloaded and activated on AME as well as the client machine, or the font rendering will be compromised. In addition to this, when collaborating on a MOGRT, these fonts will need to be manually added to and activated on client machines. A warning like the below is indicative that the font needs to be locally added to Premiere Pro, but if you encounter this error you should also check on the remote AME for the presence of the fonts:

Additionally, due to a separate Adobe bug, certain fonts may be unavailable in the Adobe font system, requiring you to locate and upload them yourself.

Adobe are currently working on fixing this bug, and this article will be updated as soon as any changes have been made.

As an additional note for Mac users running ARM hardware: those using Photoshop version 22.3.0 (2021) onwards MUST run that specific Adobe program in Rosetta mode in order to have access to the Extensions option which will allow you to use the IPV Extension.


Uploading MOGRTs

If you are uploading MOGRTs via Curator Connect, you should wait for five minutes for the MOGRT to process in Curator before importing it into Premiere Pro as a high res file.

NOTE: The ability to import MOGRTs directly from CC Libraries is due to come as part of a future integration.

Searching for MOGRTs

The MOGRT thumbnail will be selected from those set as a poster frame – this will have been set when creating the MOGRT in After Effects. 

NOTE: You will need to create a poster frame when adding the MOGRT for the first time if you wish to see the contents of the MOGRT in the thumbnail.

The Proxy view will be the poster frame, not a moving preview.

You will need to differentiate a MOGRT from an image by adding a filter, searching for MOGRT, or having them organized into their own Collection.

NOTE: The .mogrt suffix will be included on thumbnails from release 3.6.

Importing MOGRTs into Premiere Pro

MOGRTs imported into Premiere Pro via the Curator for Adobe Panel will be imported as high res files, and the original MOGRT package will be downloaded to the local Curator Downloads folder on your PC or Mac.

Before adding any new elements, these must already exist in Curator and be imported into the Premiere Pro panel before being added to the template in the Essential Graphics Panel.

MOGRTs will be imported into a Motion Graphics Template Folder which is a bin – do not move or edit this bin.

Editing MOGRTs 

Curator supports various types of MOGRTs, including those with text, embedded images and csv files. 

To drag and drop images, videos or other elements onto the templates, these must be dropped onto the Essential Graphics panel from the Premiere Pro Project panel.

Curator does not support MOGRTs that have dynamic linking from other apps in the composition, e.g. After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator files. 

Checking MOGRTs in and Out 

When checking out a project that contains a MOGRT using a separate machine from the one that the MOGRT was created on for the first time, a Link Media dialog will pop up.

  1. Close the Link Media dialog by selecting the x in the top right corner.
  2. Wait a few seconds, and everything other than the MOGRT will go online.
  3. Next, select the MOGRT from the Premiere Pro project bin.
  4. With the MOGRT selected, from the Curator for Adobe panel, click Connect in order to connect to the up-to-date edited MOGRT.

There will be a slight delay whilst the hi-res is connected (which may include an O/S "spinning wheel"), following which the MOGRT will complete downloading and extracting locally, and will start working.

Versioning and Replacing

If you update a MOGRT and replace it in Curator using the same name, a different Asset ID will be created for the new file. It is important to note that MOGRTs updated using this method will therefore not be updated in old projects automatically.

When dealing with old MOGRTs or those beyond copyright, the following tips are advised:

  • Move these files to a folder that cannot be publicly accessed.
  • If you do not want to delete these files, a watermark or notification or update the thumbnail on expired assets should be added.

Local Media Management

When you import a MOGRT to Premiere Pro from Curator, the MOGRT will be downloaded to your local machine in a Documents / Curator Downloads folder. It is best practice to delete this folder regularly.

Notes for Partners / Administrators

Downloading MOGRT files

When a MOGRT is imported, it downloads to:

PC: C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Curator\Downloads

Mac: /Users/XXXX/Documents/Curator Downloads

This folder will need to be cleaned out every now and then.

When a MOGRT has attached media, it will be placed in: 

PC: C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Curator Projects\Motion Graphics Template Media

Mac : /Users/XXXX/Documents/Curator Projects/Motion Graphics Template Media

Drag and drop the parameters you want to set as templates.

Working with MOGRTS

Creating and Uploading a MOGRT

If you wish to work with MOGRTs, you will first need to create a MOGRT which can be used by all of the team. This can be done by the Graphics/Marketing team or any member of the video team.

MOGRTs are typically created in After Effects (though they can also be created in Premiere Pro).

To create a MOGRT:

  1. Open After Effects and save your project locally.
  2. Create the composition you wish to turn into a template.
  3. Once finished, open the Essential Graphics panel and select the composition you want to use. 
    If you select Solo Supported Properties – in your composition, then only the parameters you are able to use as editable templates will be displayed. 
  4. Drag and drop the properties where you want the parameters to be changed in the template. Common parameters to include here are colours, fonts, position and images.
  5. You can change the name of the parameter for easy identification for the editor using the template.
    You can also add a comment to each parameter if you need to give further instructions: to do this, from the drop down at the bottom left of the Essential Graphics panel, select Add Comment.
    For more advanced MOGRTs, you can group parameters by selecting Add Groups from the bottom of the Essential Graphics panel.
  6. Once you have finished adding your editable parameters to the Essential Graphics panel, you will need to select the poster frame – this will be the thumbnail image used in Curator to help you identify the MOGRT. 
    To select a poster frame: Ensure the playhead is placed on the composition to the frame that best shows the MOGRT in full. Then select Set Poster Frame in the Essential Graphics panel.
    Don’t forget to name your MOGRT. 
    Currently you will need to export your MOGRT locally to upload it to Curator. 
  7. To export your MOGRT: Select Export Motion Graphics Template and export the file locally to the Desktop or Curator Watch folder. 
  8. To upload the MOGRT to Curator: Drag and drop your MOGRTs to Curator Connect. Each file will be registered as a high res file and MOGRT once it has been successfully uploaded.

Finding and Importing MOGRTS in Premiere Pro Remotely via the Curator for Adobe Panel

Your MOGRT will be imported into Curator as an image file. You can locate it by searching for MOGRT, or ask IPV to have a MOGRT filter added into your metadata.

NOTE: From release 3.6, you will be able to see the suffix of each image file including .mogrt for easier navigation and organisation.

Alternatively, you can keep all your MOGRTs together in their own Collection. 

All MOGRTs that have had a poster frame set on creation will use that as its thumbnail. If this was not created, then a generic MOGRT icon will be used instead. 

To find and import a MOGRT:

  1. In Premiere Pro, with the Curator for Adobe panel open, search for the MOGRT you wish to include. 
  2. Select the MOGRT and import it into your project.
  3. If the MOGRT has been imported correctly, a Motion Graphics folder will be created and the MOGRT will be imported into that folder by default. Any successive MOGRTs you import will also automatically be imported into that folder. 
  4. Once you have imported your MOGRT, drag and drop it into your timeline. 
  5. Click on the MOGRT, and the Essential Graphics panel will appear to the right. If this does not appear automatically, it can be opened via the Windows tab on the top of the panel.
  6. Select Edit and adjust the parameters.
  7. Once you are ready to export your sequence, you should remote conform it as you would usually do.
    Your export will attach to the high res and the MOGRT changes will take effect, allowing you to view your export in Curator.

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